Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hauling Away: Target Edition

Recently I found out Target is clearing the GI Joe pegs for the soon to be released GI Joe movie figures. All basic carded figures are $4.88, Comic Packs are $9.08, and the Battle Packs, and Target Exclusive vehicles are around $17. I suggest you act quickly because not a lot of variety of figures to choose from. Mostly on the pegs were Pilot Scarlett (Glenda), Flint (Cobra Disguise), one Python Trooper, and that one dude part of Zartan's gang... The other stuff I just forgot what they were called, but the vehicles are the recent ones released from Target...

Target also seems to have stocked up on the weekdays. I went there on Tuesday or Wednesday. The RotF movie figures were crowding the pegs. I hid a Previews Soundwave behind some stuff, and wallah, he is still there when I checked today (scroll down for his status). They had ravages, the Twins, Chromia, etc. I saw the new Titanium exclusives too...

After that I skimmed around the store. Trying to find some decent DVDs to watch I looked around at the end of the aisle. There I saw the 25th Anniversary G1 Transformers Series 1, $20. Moving along to the other end aisle, I saw some clearanced games like Guitar Hero and F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. Guitar Hero was the third version I believe for $8, and F.E.A.R. 2 was $35...

Next to them were comic books, the least I would think of Target having. I grabbed the Iron Man comic, also clearanced for A little less than $2. I don't know what kind of comic it is, maybe a kids version, or they call it giant-size comic? I just skimmed and saw cool armor designs and grabbed it...

I suggest you go visit Target to see what they have for clearance. Sometimes it won't be much, like all the other times I went, but I think the GI Joe is definitely on sale for the upcoming GI Joe movie figures. And now, here is my haul for today...

Pilot Scarlett (Glenda)
Flint (Cobra Disguise)
RotF Previews, Soundwave
Iron Man: Heart of Steel Comic
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin

Total: $57

I am now going to starve for that "massive" purchase...

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