The recipe is basically the Hasbro Marvel Legends Xorn released in the second series. I tried to make him more accurate, but only ended up bulkier, but I like the effect. Added some MegaBlok chains, various clothing additions are foam. I resculpted the neck and added the key, where I heard that the helmet is locked to his head and when he take the key out he can remove his helmet? I maybe wrong... The Xorn head was left unpainted at all from the original release. The helmet is still removable. I replaced the neck joint with Gundam Model kit wrist balljoints. The alternate head can be easily swapped out:

The blackhole looks rather like a solar system to me. I was trying to go for the waves traveling outwards and engulfing as it surges throughout. The head is made of a black Symbiote Spiderman head and twisty ties glued to the back. I was trying to get a blackhole head like that, but it seemed rather hard to make. A ghost rider head with hot glue? I have an XMC Magneto head and I think it'd be perfect to have that head rather than the skinny little head inside the helmet. I'll see what I can do, or if I can get another head. This isn't completely finished though. Some parts aren't painted. Next is that rather cryptic chair. Don't know where to start with that though...Well, this custom began when the figure was released. So maybe 2-3 years? Who knows, I lost count...

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