Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mosquitos of the past and an update

Well yesterday afternoon it was announced that my area would be sprayed with a mosquito pesticide to rid the West Nile Virus. They told us to close all the windows and cover ACs that connected to a window. Boy was it hot. They said they'd start at 8 at night to 12 midnight. They came to our area at 110 or so. I saw the planes when looking out the window. One plane past in the distance and followed by a second plane a bit closer to our house. Hopefully they actually did spray our area, because they said they are going for a second run tonight, they are stupid to not post a schedule for which county they are spraying for which day.

Well I am beginning to make a Cobra Rip It figure, but I also wanted to make something Bandai would make, like all those super detailed figures, like Kamenrider, Power Rangers. Other crap like I don't understand why they won't release them here. I'll probably make Rip It and make a HISS cockpit diorama, woot, always a first for me.

Well I guess that's about it for today. Picture of the day? yeah... I haven't been keeping up with that lately. I don't know what type of gundam this is, since I haven't watched the series in 7 years. So this probably is a super new one. He's the picture that is above this post a bit, I don't know how to format it on the bottom...Well, see you guys later...
(Somehow the picture comes up with a red x. Just click it and follow through the link, it should work, I promise you nothing scary will pop up, no bad stuff. I hate them so I wouldn't do it to you guys.)

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