Monday, August 4, 2008

TFAC Destro Review

Well I got Destro a while back when TFAC were starting to come out. I didn't really want to dish out the $25 and get the whole Cobra 5 pack, so I waited and got this guy. Destro is just a rerelease of the 5 pack, nothing much different, probably identical to my knowledge.

He's one of the tall figures, towering over Cobra Commander. The articulation is as follows, the neck, torso, and hips are ball jointed. The shoulder, elbow, and feet are ball hinged. The forearms are swivel and the knees are single hinged. He moves pretty decently. The single hinged knee is ok, but if they could make a double hinge for Serpentor why not Destro? Well it's one of those things with various answers...

The paint is good, the majority of his body is a dark grey. The head and gloves are silver. My figures gloves are chipping off, I have no idea why but I think it might be universal. His suspender, belt, and leg straps have some silver applications as well. The collar has some red in the inside, so does the missiles and grenades on his gloves. The dog tag and holster is red with some silver. His eyes are a lime green. The cool thing about the paint is that the belt seems dark grey but if you look closely it's black. It blends in so well. His chest is in a V so he does have some skin showing around the collar.

Detail is good, wrinkles of the cloths, ridges of the gloves, bolts of the helmet collar. The belts are is a checkered pattern look. The chain from the dog tag is seen clearly, and the face of Destro has that evil wrinkled face.

Accessory wise, this guy is packed. He comes with a pistol that fits in his holster, a glock, a SMG, a suit case, and another gun of some sort. The guns are all detailed, straight down to the ridges of a real gun. The gun that looks like a machine gun/ ray gun can fit in his suit case. The case has M.A.R.S. sculpted on the outside. Inside is a little peg to hold the gun, plus some sculpted ammo, cell phone and knife. The phone is painted silver, the rest of the accessories are black. His right hand is sculpted to hold the gun, and the left is sculpted to hold the suit case. So one weapon at a time.

He's a pretty cool figure, like all the TFAC it's all vintage but modernized. Destro fits right in with your Cobra collection. He'll be good arguing with Cobra Commander too. An Iron Grenadier Destro is coming in a two pack including a Iron Grenadier. TRU is having a IG Destro with two IGs. So depending on your preference you could get that Destro. I am going to get the TRU Pack, only because TRU make good army builder packs, like the Crimson Guard one. This figure is good non the less. Though you'll have t o buy the whole set, since I don't see anymore Destros around.

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