Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cobra Legions 5 Pack

Well here is my long long review of the Cobra Legions 5 Pack. I'm just kidding it won't be that long. I have most of the figures and reviewed three of them or so, some in this set are just with different heads, and other stuff.

First off is Cobra Commander, I first reviewed him here:

The body is the same, except the head and colors. The head is the classic silver head with a helmet. The helmet is removable. The silver head/ mask reveals three circles in the back of the head. Maybe CC here puts wires in it or something. The helmet has raised "block" inside the helmet and it fits in the groove with the three circles so it won't fall off "easily", I don't see the point but if it helps for other people then so be it. The color of CC is all black, his mask, belt, and hands are silver. The glove edges, Cobra Symbol on his helmet and shoulders, belt buckle. leg strap buckle, shirt buttons, and gun holster on his back are all gold. His shoes are partial gold and his pants have a little line near the bottom that's gold too. I think I found my favorite Cobra Commander.

Second is Storm Shadow. He was reviewed here:

The body is the same except for the head and he has no cloak. Storm Shadow is in his usual white Gi. The parts where the Gi overlaps are painted red, so are the tips of the shoulders, and he has somesort of designed shape on his thighs. They aren't perfectly the same, one is bigger the other is smaller. The forearm wrappings are in a pattern with grey, tan and grey. The knees, and shin/ foot wrappings follow the same. knees are grey, shins are tan and feet are grey. His inner shirt is grey, and his head doesn't have the hood sculpted as the cloak version did. It's a classic Storm Shadow head, The head has a Cobra Symbol covering the front of the mask. It looks awesome. The accessories are the same, mostly, all the same swords and dagger, he now has a bow to go along with his quivers. The sword handles are red and black, and the dagger's handle is black, that's the way they should be painted instead of the bluish green...

The following three troopers are used with the same body, somewhat different accessories. I reviewed th Hiss Driver here:

The use the same body as his, so no need to do a second explanation. The first is a standard trooper. He has no crest in his helmet. The harness is like a suspender instead of having all those other pockets across his torso, he just has a belt and shoulder straps. Looks like it has a sculpted pistol in the right strap. The colors for the trooper is the standard blue, the knees, gun and boots are black. The suspenders are yellow with some silver and black. The clasp on his shirt is silver. The thigh straps for the knife is also yellow with silver. His hands are painted with human flesh paint. His mouth cover is red as well as the Cobra Symbol on his chest and he sports the bald Trooper look. The knife is silver with a black handle.

The Next is the Cobra "vehicle" driver. Even though his base clearly says he the Stinger Driver. The Stinger Driver is almost the same as the HISS Driver. The only difference is the helmet and paint. The helmet is no longer black, it's grey with a grey crest too. The harness has some red applications on the shoulders and the pocket to the far left. He has no more camo pants, it's just plain grey. He now has a grey Dargonuv rifle, and a non painted dagger, the handle is black, but the blade itself is the grey plastic it was molded in.

The next is the Cobra Air Trooper. He's sort of a mix between the two. The body is make of the Standard Cobra Trooper. The harness is molded yellow, but borrowed from the Stinger Driver. This trooper has a bigger helmet, looks like a silver gas mask with air filters on the side, black visors, and an oversized Cobra helmet. The knees are molded yellow instead of black. He has a peg hole that allows his to carry his jetpack. It has two hoses that bend from the middle piece into the two rockets. It has a Cobra Symbol printed on instead of a sticker. The back pack also has a hose the leads into his blaster which he can hold. Of course he can remove all of that and he comes with an extra helmet of a Stinger driver moulder in blue and a black Dragonuv, so he's a two in one figure.

One more, the box! When you open it it has a nice portrait of all the characters in this set, The background has all the Legions of Cobra with their respective troopers in front of them. From left to right, Storm Shadow has the Red Ninjas and Destro and Baroness are in the back as well. Cobra Trooper has Cobra Troopers. CC has Tomax and Xamot, and the Crimson Guards. The Stinger Driver has the Stinger Drivers and the Air Trooper has a group of Air Troopers. One note, behind the Regular Cobra Trooper background, there is a helmetless trooper, I wonder who he is...

Wasn't that a long review? I tried to shorten it buy using existing reviews of the same mold, but i guess it failed. Anyways, the low down of this set, it's a great set for army builders. Three troopers, how could you say no. Though I don't see the point of having another ninja and a commander. I have three Storm Shadows and two Cobra Commanders. So I might use those as Zartan's disguises. Just a quick swap out. I got this set for $11.99 at Ross and they had atleast 6 of them no the shelf, so don't go rushing out to find them they won't be leaving anytime soon. I say get this set, it's really cool, and the Air Trooper adds extra value to the set. IF you survived reading this, thank you...

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